Our accusations that the New Independent State of Croatia is not different from its World War II namesake should not be taken lightly. 
The case of Dinko Sakic illustrates it quite well. 

Dinko Sakic's Portfolio 

Dinko Sakic's Portfolio
From the Press
Srpska Mreza

Copyright © Reuters 1998

May 1, 1998

Ex-Croatian camp chief accepts extradition-report

BUENOS AIRES, - Former World War II concentration camp commander Dinko Sakic will not challenge Croatia's request for his extradition from Argentina to stand trial for war crimes, local media reported on Friday.

Sakic, 76, who headed the Jasenovac camp from 1942 to 1944 under Croatia's Ustashe Nazi regime, could be sent to Croatia soon because he has decided not to mount a legal challenge to the extradition, the state news agency Telam said. Argentine Federal Judge Hernan Bernasconi formally told Sakic on Friday of the extradition order, which arrived in Argentina this week.

Sakic was arrested at his home on the coast on Thursday.

Sakic lived in Argentina openly for 50 years before an Argentine television investigation revealed his dark past on April 6.

He was immediately reported absent from his Atlantic coast home in Santa Teresita and speculation grew that he had taken flight. But he was eventually arrested there and taken to Dolores courthouse 120 miles (200 km) from Buenos Aires.

Sakic came to Argentina after the war, like many other European Nazis including Adolf Eichmann and Martin Bormann.

Copyright © Srpska Mreza 1998