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Simo Drljaca, the former Chief of Public Security in Prijedor, Republic of Srpska, lost his life on July 19th, 1997 by a lake near Omarska. According to an official SFOR Report, The Hague Tribunal had issued a warrant for the arrest of Simo Srljaca, but instead of arresting him, SDFOR members killed him in a supposed "act of self-defence". However, this event was witnessed by three persons, Drljaca’s son, his brother-in-law, and a third man who was in a nearby cabin but whose presence was unkown to SFOR members. These eyewitnesses claim that Simo Drljaca was literally liquidated and that SFOR had no intention of arresting him.

A forensic medical expertise was done so that one of the two versions of this event could be confirmed.

An analysis of official documents, (the Investigation Report, the Investigative Judge’s Official Notes and the Autopsy Report), along with a reconstruction, during which we once again searched the grounds and discovered a 9mm bullet which had not been previously found, unmistakabley confirm the three eyewitness accounts on the death of Simo Drljaca.

Prof. Dr Dragan Simeunovic

Darko Trifunovic, Exp. Int. Crim. Law.

Prof. Dr Branimir Aleksandric




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