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Western morality is a bottomless pit.

American monument dedicated to Al Qaeda fighters

Clinton bows
Date: Saturday, March 20, 2003
Place: Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial and Cemetery, Bosnia
Event: Clinton opens a monument dedicated to Al Qaeda fighters and bows to it!

Photo by: Zoran Saponjic

See more photographs of the event

What is this monument inscribed in Arabic script doing in Bosnia? What is it doing in the Western media declared "Heart of Europe?" None of the peoples of ex-Yugoslavia speak or understand Arabic. None. None of the Bosnian Muslims with exception of maybe a tiny minority of Islam clergy understands Arabic. So, for whom was this monument erected? The only answer to the puzzle could be the fact that round 10,000 foreign volunteers, jihad fighters, fought against the Christian population of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Most of these Islamic fanatics, members of Al Qaeda, came from Arab speaking countries.

And that is the answer to the puzzle.

America has right to know. As you will see from the text that follows - American government invested ONE MILLION dollars into this monument.

On Saturday, March 20, 2003, ex-President Bill Clinton took some time from his busy schedule to dedicate the above monument placed in Srebrenica, Republika Srpska, among the Serbs of Bosnia. He came just in time so that next day (Sunday) the Western media could trumpet this pretend humanitarian gesture and (of course) to renew its racist attack on the Christian Serbs. The event was to revamp and renew the hoax of "Srebrenica genocide!"

Well known anti-Serb racist Christiane Amanpour, for example, dutifully reported for the CNN that the event was all about Clinton's love, tolerance, respect. She said: "Clinton called for love to replace hatred... He called on the region to... defy racial and ethnic hatred."

For propagandists the words are cheap.

Then she peppered it with the usual mantra about "8,000 Bosnian Muslim boys and men massacred by the Serbs in the so-called U.N.-protected enclave of Srebrenica." She then added the usual: "It was the single biggest atrocity of the war and Europe's worst since World War II."

There you go. The Serbs are intolerant and the worst Nazis after the Nazis. This is the monument to that lie and it is spitefully erected among the Serbs.

Is that all not astonishing? Not at all if you know the basic facts of Clinton Administration's connection to Al Qaeda.

We show on these pages that Srebrenica was a hoax perfectly timed as an excuse to NATO's all out bombing of Bosnian and Krajina Serbs as well as NATO's subsequent conquest of the strategically important Balkans. The hoax was also to serve as a cover up and the "excuse" for American sideing with Bosnian Islam fundamentalist leader Alija Izetbegovic Islam fundamentalism and helped it cleanse more than 300,000 Serbian people out of their homes and the lands they inhabited, as majority population - for centuries.

On these pages we presented Republican Policy Committee report entitled "Clinton-approved Iranian arms transfers help turn Bosnia into militant Islamic base" which clearly states that it was jihad fighters, most of them from Arabic countries, that America was arming. Clinton almost wrecked NATO over his covert arming and training of Al Qaeda.

So, it was the time for America to express its gratitude for the jihad volunteers from Arabic countries. This is a fitting monument to that gratitude.

But there is more...

Clinton cashes in his "tolerance"

Gregory Copley, the director of the International Strategic Studies Institute in Washington, gave an interview for SRNA reporter Sonja Lakic, on October 7, 2003. The report was published under title "Evidence of ties between Izetbegovic and Osama bin Laden." Izetbegovic was leader of Bosnian Islam fundamentalists.

Mr. Copley said:

"We know that Clinton also visited Izetbegovic, who is claimed to be ill and on his deathbed. And we also know that Izetbegovic's political party paid $250,000 for his arrival in Bosnia and participation in the uncovering of the monument in Srebrenica. The question needs to be asked to what extent that monument was in fact built out of political motivation instead of as a memorial to the victims of the civil war in Srebrenica."

The interview was also referred to in ISSA Special Reports at this link.

Monument to permanent "DIVIDE AND CONQUER!"

The monument built to celebrate Al Qaeda jihad against the Orthodox Christians is clearly there to infuriate the Serbs and to deepen the division between Christian and Moslem community of Bosnia. More detailed analysis is given in this document:

Srebrenica Casualty Numbers
Challenged by Experts
as Politicized and Ethnically Divisive

Issued by:

WASHINGTON, DC, September 18, 2003: On the eve of the dedication of a monument to Muslims killed at Srebrenica, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 1995, a group which includes a former UN official, intelligence experts, and journalists, released a statement challenging the alleged casualty number of 7,000 victims as "vastly inflated and unsupported by evidence".

They asserted that one-sided interventionist policies permitted al-Qaida forces and radical Islamists backed by the Iranian clerical government to take root during the Bosnian war, clouding the future of the region. As well, they agreed that the "memorialization" of false numbers in the monument actually appeared to be intended to perpetuate regional ethnic hatred and distrust and to deliberately punish one of the victim groups in the Bosnian civil war [i.e. the Serbs]. Former US President Bill Clinton is expected to attend and legitimize the dedication of the monument at Srebrenica, which was constructed using one million dollars of US Embassy funds at the request of High Representative Paddy Ashdown. But former BBC journalist Jonathan Rooper, who has researched the events in Srebrenica since 1995, says that the region was a graveyard for Serbs as well as Muslims and that a monument to inflated casualties on one side "serves neither truth nor the goal of reconciliation".

Phillip Corwin, former UN Civilian Affairs Coordinator in Bosnia during the 1990s, said: "What happened in Srebrenica was not a single large massacre of Muslims by Serbs, but rather a series of very bloody attacks and counterattacks over a three year period which reached a crescendo in July of 1995." Mr. Corwin is author of Dubious Mandate, an account of his experiences during the conflict. He points out that Srebrenica, which was designated a safe zone, was never demilitarized as it was claimed to be, and that Muslim paramilitary leader Nasir Oric, who controlled Srebrenica, launched repeated attacks on surrounding Serb villages. He noted: "I was the United Nations' chief political officer in Bosnia the day that Srebrenica fell. Coincidentally, it was the same day that the Bosnian Government tried to assassinate me as I drove over Mount Igman on the way to Sarajevo."

Intelligence expert and strategist Gregory Copley, President of the International Strategic Studies Association and the ISSA's Balkan & Eastern Mediterranean Policy Council, accused US Ambassador Donald Hays, who serves as Deputy High Representative of Bosnia-Herzegovina, of using the power of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) governing Bosnia "to force Bosnian Serb elected officials to sign a fraudulent document accepting the official version of events in Srebrenica. The leaders of Republica Srpska [the predominantly Serbian province of Bosnia- Herzegovina] invited the office of the High Representative to join their investigation of the events in Srebrenica. Instead they were told they were told to sign a statement drafted by OHR endorsing casualty figures they publicly disagreed with." Copley added: "It is significant in that the former US Clinton Administration fought this war unquestioningly supporting only the Croat and Muslim factions and disregarding the historic alliance of the Serbian peoples with the US. Then, after the war, the Clinton Administration failed to follow US tradition in helping to heal the wounds of war, but, rather, perpetuated ethnic divisions and hatreds. This differs from the US role in all other wars."

"Unfortunately, all of the policies and officials put in place in the region by the Clinton Administration remain. The current Bush Administration has neglected the Balkans and has, instead, allowed the Clinton policies to continue, which has meant that divisive politics continue. This, then, requires the ongoing commitment of US peacekeeping forces in both Bosnia and in the Kosovo province of Serbia."

Copley added that, according to intelligence obtained from Islamist sources, that the monument was intended to become a shrine for radical Islamists in Europe and site for annual pilgrimages. He added: "Deputy High Representative Donald Hays forced the Republica Srpska Government to issue a statement which accepted the radical Islamists" version of the Srebrenica affair, despite the fact that the Office of High Representative does not have any investigative capability of its own to make a valid assumption on the matter. As well, the International Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague " no friend of the Serbs " has itself not completed its investigation of Srebrenica, and nor has the office of the Government of Republica Srpska which has been working with the ICTY."

Amb. Hays and OHR chief Paddy Ashdown forced the Republica Srpska statement merely to ensure that the opening of the "shrine" " to be attended by Clinton " would vindicate Clinton Administration policies of support for the radical Islamists." Yossef Bodansky, who has written several books on the war in Yugoslavia and also serves as Research Director of ISSA, calls the 7,000 figure "disinformation" and notes that "all independent forensic evidence points to Muslim casualties in the hundreds, possibly the low hundreds. Continued emphasis on such allegedly high numbers of Muslim deaths at Srebrenica also obfuscates the Muslim murders in that city, earlier, of Serb civilians." Bodansky also wrote extensively on the link between Osama bin Laden and the Bosnian Islamists in numerous articles and special reports and three books, including Offensive in the Balkans: the Potential for a Wider War as a Result of Foreign Intervention in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1995), Some Call it Peace: Waiting for War in the Balkans (1996), and Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America (1999).

Rooper says that at least 1,000 Serbs, mostly civilians, were killed by forces led by Oric who did not bother to hide his crimes, even showing videotapes of slaughtered Serbs to Western journalists. Meanwhile a group of academic experts and journalists from the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Serbia, and the United Kingdom has been organized by Professor Edward S. Herman of the University of Pennsylvania to examine the evidence regarding events at Srebrenica in July 1995 and earlier, how the media reported these events, and the political role of claims about Srebrenica. It is expected that a report from this group will be available in June 2004. Rooper points out that the 40,000 inhabitants the UN used in July of 1995 before the capture of Srebrenica roughly matches the number of former residents accounted for in the aftermath. A commander of the Muslim- dominated Army of BiH (Bosnia-Herzegovina) later confirmed to parliament in Sarajevo that 5,000 BiH troops escaped largely intact to Tuzla while the UN registered some 35,632 civilian survivors.

While the capture of Srebrenica was reported in July 1995, as it unfolded, an international outcry only took place a month later, after Madeleine Albright, then US representative to the UN, held up a photo which she said provided evidence that thousands of Muslim victims had been buried at field near Nova Kasaba, 19 kilometers from Srebrenica. Excavations which took place following the war, however, yielded 33 bodies at Nova Kasaba. Two years after the event, a total of 400 bodies had been found at 20 sites near Srebrenica, an area which had seen bloody fighting over a three year period. Instead of acknowledging that there was no support for the original figures, Rooper says a various means were used to prop up the official story.

"Spokesmen for the Clinton Administration suggested that Serbs might have moved the bodies to other locations. Rooper points out that excavating, transporting and reburying 7,000 bodies was "not only beyond the capabilities of the thinly stretched, petrol-starved Bosnian Serb Army, but would have been easily detected under intense surveillance from satellites and geostationary drones.

By 1998, thousands of bodies excavated from all across Bosnia were stored at the Tuzla airport. Despite state of the art DNA testing, only 200 bodies have been linked to Srebrenica. Around 3,000 names on a list of Srebrenica victims compiled by the Red Cross matched voters in the Bosnian election in 1996. "I pointed out to the OSCE that there had either been massive election fraud or almost half the people on the ICRC missing list were still alive," says Rooper. "The OSCE finally responded that the voting lists had been locked away in warehouses and it would not be possible for them to investigate."

The inflated Srebrenica statistics are part of a larger picture that intelligence experts such as Bodansky and Copley find troubling. They say US policymakers have been slow to recognize that Bosnia is viewed as a strategic base for operations in Europe by al-Qaida and the HizbAllah. In 1993, when the Clinton Administration was strongly backing the Muslim President of Bosnia, Alija Izetbegovic, Osama Bin Ladin was regular visitor to his office, according to Renate Flottau of the German weekly, Der Spiegel. The Bosnian daily, Dani, reported that the Vienna Embassy of BiH issued a passport to Bin Ladin in 1993.

A special report by Copley, issued Tuesday, September 16. 2003. noted that Bosnia-Herzegovina Ambassador Huso Zivalj, who issued the passport to Bin Ladin, later served as Bosnian Ambassador to the United Nations in September 11. "It is becoming increasingly clear that the movement of Zivalj to the New York post just before (and his departure just after) the September 11, 2001 attacks was not coincidental."

"To refer to US Bosnia policy as a success story is to disregard substantial evidence to the contrary. Instead of misplaced symbolism in Srebrenica, US policymakers need to take a hard look at assumptions which have guided US actions in the region," Copley said.

To add insult to injury:
The Serbs are forced to pay for the monument

The following excerpt was taken from:
GIS Special Topical Studies
Balkan Strategic Studies

Interview Highlights
Changing Situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina
and Terrorist Escalation

Volume XXI, No. 155
Tuesday, October 7, 2003
By: Gregory Copley


High Representative Ashdown had taken the leadership of the Islamists’ Srebrenica monument for reasons known only to himself. He had received a donation of $1-million from the US Embassy for this monument which had been portrayed as a monument to the suffering of innocents at Srebrenica. He required an additional 4-million marks to complete the project.

A small number of families of victims of the 1995 Srebrenica fighting sued the Government of Republica Srpska for compensation. Was it coincidence that the court’s judgment on this came just before the monument was due to be opened? Was it coincidence that the judgment was for 4-million marks? Was it coincidence that the payment was ordered to be paid by the Government of Republica Srpska not to the plaintiffs, the families of the victims, but to the monument project which was headed by Mr Ashdown?

I would suggest that there are too many coincidences in all of this.

Then we move on to the fact that the timetable for the opening of the monument was determined, in fact, by the schedule of the former US President, William Clinton, who was to be available in the area – while he was on his way to fundraising functions in the Middle East – so that Clinton could compound the political message of the monument. So we have a case where Mr Ashdown promoted a schedule based on the political availability of Mr Clinton. And, not surprisingly, we then see that Mr Clinton was paid $250,000 for his participation in the unveiling of the monument by Mr Izetbegovic’s SDA party, and that Mr Clinton visited Mr Izetbegovic in hospital in Sarajevo.

All of this despite mounting evidence that Mr Izetbegovic and his SDA colleagues have actively supported terrorism and al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, and that there are profound links between terrorists related to the September 11, 2001 , attacks on the US and Mr Izetbegovic.

We can take this further. Because of Mr Clinton’s schedule and involvement with SDA – not just now, but through historic links and meetings between Clinton and Izetbegovic and the like – Mr Ashdown undertook a number of actions. Firstly, he used his power as High Representative to force the Government of Republica Srpska to accept a “verdict” on Srebrenica which it would never have done voluntarily. Secondly, he gives every appearance of having influenced the courts to ensure that Republica Srpska would have to pay for the monument which essentially was designed to tell the world that there were only Serb aggressors and only Muslim victims.

The whole point was to distort the truth in two ways: firstly, by only telling part of the story; secondly, by taking a number of Muslim victims which was plucked out of the air and not substantiated by forensic evidence. Indeed, Mr Ashdown’s efforts were all geared to both suppressing independent investigations and forestalling any further discussion of the actual facts of the issue.

In this regard, by attempting to “put the affair behind us”, Mr Ashdown did exactly what Tito did with regard to the concentration camp in which 700,000 people – mostly Serbs, Jews and Gypsies – were killed at Jasenovac: he drove the truth underground, where simmering divisions and injustices merely bubble away for generations. He was not resolving the issue by shining the light of truth on it, but rather raising doubts for generations to come.

End quote.

The integral version can be found at this link.

True massacre

There is no monument to the Serbian civilians in the neighboring town of Bratunac. Bratunac is less than 10 miles away from Srebrenica. The Serbs who lived in Sarajevo were bombed out of their houses and everything they ever owned. They were cleansed out of previously multi-ethnic Sarajevo and made to settle in Bratunac. There they died by hundreds surcumbing to NATO's use of Depleted Uranium in the bombs that rained on Sarajevo.


 [ Devil's Triangle: America helps Jihad in Bosnia ]

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History of the Balkans

Big powers and civil wars in Yugoslavia
(How was Yugoslavia dismantled and why.)

Proxies at work
(Muslims, Croats and Albanians alike were only proxies of the big powers)

The Aftermath

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Last revised: March 28, 2004