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  By John F. Burns
  The New York Times News Service
  Sunday, April 18, 1993
  (NYT-04-18-93 2104EDT)

Extensive quote presented on the green stickers.

For fair use only
Published under the provision of
U.S. Code, Title 17, section 107.

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina A contingent of 135 United Nations soldiers from Canada entered the Muslim enclave of Srebrenica on Sunday to set up a "safe area" under an accord signed before dawn by leaders of Bosnian Serbs and Muslims.

In addition to the "safe area," the accord included an immediate cease-fire and a 72-hour deadline for U.N. troops to disarm the government garrison in the eastern Bosnian city.

"Yesterday, we have saved the city," Lt. Gen. Philippe Morillon, the U.N. commander in Bosnia, said at a news conference in Sarajevo. He said mounting international pressure on Serbian political and military leaders had forced them to halt an attack when their troops were within hours of overrunning Srebrenica.

But the pact, reached after 16 hours of talks at the Sarajevo airport, amounted to little more than a disguised surrender of Srebrenica, said commanders of the Muslim-led defenders of Srebrenica. Their view was shared by some senior officers on Morillon"s staff.

A senior Bosnian officer who attended the negotiations said the pact had been signed not because the Bosnian commanders thought that it would save Srebrenica, but because it offered a hope of averting a massacre of Muslims when the Bosnian defenses were overrun, which the officer said had become inevitable.

"We're not fooling ourselves," he said. "This is a surrender, because nobody will want to stay in Srebrenica after our forces are disarmed.

"If the United Nations wants to pretend that putting one company of Canadian soldiers in there will persuade the Serbian forces that Srebrenica is lost to them, OK, let them pretend..."

But the calm that settled over Srebrenica at dawn as the cease-fire went into effect was not matched elsewhere in Bosnia, where the war continued and even intensified in some areas.

Here, the anti-Serb bigot, John F. Burns, infamous for his Goebbelsian propaganda article, published November 27, 1992, concerning Herak case, "forgets" to mention who intensified the war. Actually, all out war started between the two Western proxies Croats and Bosnian Muslims. This was a direct result of so-called "peace plan" concocted by Western "negotiators" David Owen and Cyrus Vance. Their plan was so unfair that the two proxies translated it as an open invitation to true land grab.

At least, though somewhat hidden, there is the statement that overrun by the Serbian forces of Srebrenica was inevitable and that Westerners know the signed deal to let Serbian troops do not enter Srebrenica was a Serbian act of good will. Srebrenica was "saved" and even declared "safe area." But saved for what? It was saved, it turns out for guaranteed, unpunished, uninterrupted mujahedin slaughter of the Serbian civilians in neighborhood of Srebrenica.

This fact that from that point on the Westerners will protect Bosnian fundamentalists is clearly spelled out in the continuation of the text.

The Canadian troops in Srebrenica immediately secured an area around the city"s soccer field for use in a helicopter shuttle that is to evacuate 500 Muslims who were seriously wounded in recent artillery attacks.

Less than three hours after the Canadians arrived, three French military helicopters took off from the field, and 133 of the wounded, including at least some Bosnian soldiers [some of them war criminals], had been evacuated to Tuzla, a city 35 miles away that is under govermment control.

The operation stalled for hours when Serbian militiamen searched the aircraft for weapons, U.N. officials in Sarajevo said, but the operation went smoothly. Virtually all those rescued were taken to Tuzla's city hospital in ambulances and trucks after the 60-mile flight...

Morillon said the deployment of the Canadian infantry company, a step he had sought since he made a personal stand at Srebrenica in mid-March, would prevent Serbian forces from attacking the area because they would endanger not only the 30,000 Muslims but troops backed by 180 nations.

"An attack on Srebrenica tomorrow would be an attack on the whole world, it's clear," he said...

Very clearly, Srebrenica was set as a trip-wire. The mujahedin attacks will continue from now "safe area" and the whole thing will be an instrument measuring how many slaughtered family members will the surrounding Serbs endure without finishing the job of taking and disarming Srebrenica murderers.

The "U.N. peacekeepers" are actually NATO forces faking inadequacy. In the months to come the same troops will take off their blue U.N. helmets and put on their original NATO ones. Suddenly -- but now as NATO occupying troops -- they will become adequate.

Srebrenica was to become a symbol of Western protection of Islamic terrorists. All will be cloaked with a classical lie: war for peace.

"Srebrenica was a symbol," Morillon said of the peace plan. "If a tragedy had happened there, everybody knew that the entire peace process would have been jeopardized. Now that peace has been established in Srebrenica, we can all hope that the peace process can go forward very rapidly, and we will not face any new crises."

Even though the surrender of weaponry by the Srebrenica Muslims was to be total, the Western analysts knew they would not be willing to perform the task assigned. They knew that Serbian decision not to finish taking Srebrenica will turn into Serbian "setback."

The U.N. officers who criticized the Srebrenica accord pointed to what they said were serious loopholes.

First, they said, the accord provided for the surrender to U.N. forces of "all weapons, ammunition, mines, explosives and combat supplies inside Srebrenica," a requirement that they said would almost certainly mean that only the Bosnian defenders would be stripped of their arms.

At their news conference, the commanders did not refute this. But they presented the accord as a retreat by the Serbian commanders, made under the threat of possible Western military action and of the tighter economic sanctions on Serbia that were passed by the Security Council late Saturday.

Lt. Gen. Lars-Eric Wahlgren of Sweden, U.N. commander for the former Yugoslavia, said celebratory remarks made by Serbian leaders after the agreement at the Sarajevo airport were not a sign that they expected to take Srebrenica, but a way of disguising their setback.

"Everybody likes to save face," he said. "The fact is, the city is saved."

Soon, all other places where Bosnian Muslims put themselves into defenceless position will be saved using Srebrenica as a model. The West will protect their mujahedin allies at places which were already virtually lost to Muslims; places like Zepa, Gorazde, Bihac. And this was not for humanitarian reasons as claimed. The proof is the case of Central-North town of Doboj. There the Serbs were surrounded (on three sides) by Muslims, but no-one in the West ever though to declare Doboj "safe area."


 [ The second fall of Srebrenica ]
 [ Srebrenica "massacre" ]

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History of the Balkans

Big powers and civil wars in Yugoslavia
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Proxies at work
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The Aftermath

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Last revised: July 17, 2004