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"All the internal matters should be left for the country itself to resolve. If we should refuse to recognize a country's sovereignty, I'm afraid that would lead to a world war."

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji,
Globe and Mail
April 3, 1999
Published under title:
"Chinese leader warns of global war"

China's position:
NATO's disrespect of the International Law
can trigger a global war.

Published under title:
"China army daily warns of Kosovo perils to NATO"
April 5, 1999

For fair use only
Published under the provision of
U.S. Code, Title 17, section 107.

 * * * 


The Chinese Premier, Mr Zhu Rongji, has warned that NATO's attack on Yugoslavia could spark a global war.

China, fearful that the NATO military strikes could set a precedent in any conflict with Taiwan, has intensified its protests, with the state media condemning alliance leaders while praising the Yugoslav President, Mr Slobodan Milosevic, as a freedom fighter...

In calling for an immediate halt to the bombing, Mr Zhu told the Toronto Globe and Mail before his two-week visit to the United States, beginning today, that China opposed intervention in the internal affairs of other nations. This included Beijing's sovereignty over Taiwan and Tibet, Britain's role in Northern Ireland, and Canada's secessionist movement in Quebec.

China's media... have kept up a strong anti-NATO campaign since air strikes began on March 25.

"If we should refuse to recognise a country's sovereignty, I'm afraid that would lead to a world war," he said.

"If military interventionism is to be allowed in all internal matters like a question of human rights of any country, that will open a very bad precedent in the world.

"We do not have a tribunal or world police. So, who should be the person to make the decision to use all this military force?"

End quote.

Bill Clinton = Adolf Hitler

Published under title:
"China army daily warns of Kosovo perils to NATO"
April 5, 1999

For fair use only
Published under the provision of
U.S. Code, Title 17, section 107.

 * * * 


BEIJING, April 5 - NATO is "riding a tiger" as it attacks Yugoslavia and will soon face tough choices on whether to commit ground troops, China's top military newspaper said on Monday...

The United States and NATO would probably "use military force to maintain the (Serbia-Kosovo) border it forcibly drew and to achieve its goal of splitting up Yugoslavia", it added...

China has vehemently opposed NATO's 12-day bombardment of Yugoslavia, whose close ties with Beijing go back to the Non-aligned Movement set up in the 1950s.

China's media... have kept up a strong anti-NATO campaign since air strikes began on March 25.

They have echoed Belgrade's position on the Kosovo conflict... blaming NATO bombs for the tide of refugees flooding neighbouring countries.

Over the weekend, one newspaper put a Hitler-style toothbrush moustache on President Bill Clinton for a cover photograph while hailing Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic as a "folk hero" for resisting the Western alliance.

End quote.


 [ NATO's conquest of Kosovo ]

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First posted: November 18, 2006