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His pictures are decorating many places in today's Croatia. Who was Dr. Ante Pavelic, Croatian Attila the Hun?

Dr. Ante Pavelic - Ustashi fuehrer

In the history of the mankind it is difficult to find monsters comparable to Ustashe, homegrown Croatian fascists. It was only fifty years ago. Bosnian mountains as well as mountains of Serbian Krajina are still echoing the shrieks of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims. They were slaughtered in the most gruesome ways just because they were Serbs, Jews or Gypsies.

While, for many years during the war, the apocalyptic suffering of the Jewish people was in a realm of rumor - the slaughter of Serbs in Croatia was on such a scale that it was impossible to hide.

As Professor Dr. Edmond Paris says in the very first few sentences of the introduction of his book "Genocide in Satellite Croatia" (published by The American Institute for Balkan Affairs in 1961):


The greatest genocide during World War II, in proportion to a nation's population, took place, not in Nazi Germany but in the Nazi-created puppet state of Croatia. There in the years 1941-1945, some 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000 Gypsies - men, women and children - perished in a gigantic holocaust...

...The magnitude and the bestial nature of these atrocities makes it difficult to believe that such a thing could have happened in an allegedly civilized part of the world. Yet even a book such as this can attempt to tell only a part of the story.

(End quote)

Some 300 pages of the book are only scratching the subject.

The enormity of the crime itself must be the explanation of the fact that American public knew as early as 1942, about the Croatian slaughter of the Serbs... In the text below, the author mentions some 300,000 Serbs slaughtered. It is a staggering figure having in mind that it was mentioned in 1942 - only a year after Ustashe took power (in what is today Croatia and Bosnia)!

The reference to the shocking truth, so easily, and so purposely avoided in the daily media, can be easily find in any major source of knowledge.

For decades Encyclopedia Britannica had the following sentence when talking about WWII in Yugoslavia:

One can find this sentence in the versions of Britannica from 1971 to 1986.

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust which, by default full of gore galore, still reserves the harshest words for the Ustashe. Talking about the slaughter of Serbs it says (Vol 1, Croatia, page 323):


The Ustasa regime in Croatia and particularly this drive... to exterminate and dispossess the Serbs, was one of the most horrendous episodes of World War II. The murder methods applied by Ustasha were extraordinarily primitive and sadistic: thousands were hurled from mountain tops, others were beaten to death or had their throats cut, entire villages were burned down, women raped, people sent on death marches in the middle of winter, and still others starved to death...
End quote

But, let us, for a second, leave the Jewish authors who were trying so hard to describe the horror. Let us look at an unlikely group of shocked spectators:

(Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations, Edition 1995, Europe, Croatia, page 91)

The enormity of [Ustasha] behavior shocked even the conscience of GERMAN COMMANDERS.
(End quote).

Though it looks entirely unbelievable that German Nazi (and Italian Fascists) were shocked - there are many books, their memoirs, where they just had to talk about their Croatian allies gruesomeness. (But the list of those I will post some other time).

"It all may be so, and it is shocking that this aspect of the current conflict in Bosnia and Croatia is not even mentioned in the Western press" (the press that claims to uphold high principles of democracy) - you can say. "But, who cares? That is history!". (In the American English the word "history" is only used in, relatively frequent, crime scenes on TV, when someone is just about to shoot someone. The sentence repeated in the occasion is: "You are history!").

The problem with history (whether you like the subject or not) is that it tends to repeat itself. Today's Independent State of Croatia is the copy of the Nazi puppet state of some fifty years ago. The country has the same: name, flag, national emblem, national anthem, currency, uniforms (black shirts). The state sponsored atrocities toward Serbian civilians (in the areas of Croatia where Serbs were not majority and thus could not defend themselves) is the same.

Encyclopedia Britannica, Edition 1943, Vol 23, page 923 (Yugoslavia and war) describes the flag of the Croatian Ustashe: "The new flag of Croatia consists of three broad stripes, red, white and blue, and superimposed upon them a shield of checkered red and white squares".

Open then any new book that shows the international flags (or stroll in front of the United Nations and check the flags there) and you will easily recognize the Ustasha flag of the Nazi time.

Why are then the Serbs, the survivors of the gruesome genocide, defending their houses, their own property, THEIR RIGHT TO EXIST, on the land where they were (AND ARE) majority population for last (minimum) FIVE centuries - repeatedly called (by the "democratic" press) aggressors!?

For anyone who cares about Democracy - should ask that question. Could it be because Nazi, by tens of thousands, were, with help and with knowledge of American institutions found its safe haven right here - in America? They were proclaimed to be "freedom fighters" and got top jobs in institutions like CIA. (You should read the recent book: "Unholy Trinity" by Mark Aarons and John Loftus St. Martin's Press, 370 pages, ISBN 0-312-07111-6. It gives a detailed and well documented description of the connection between Croatian clergy and Nazis of the world. The clergy played the the key role in infamous ratlines - the channel of smuggling Nazis out of Europe. Needles to say ALL Croatian fascists, ALL IMPORTANT USTASHE escaped justice. And they, and their offspring, are quite active in todays events).

Sorry is the state of the world we live in - the world lead by "democratic" America...

CURRENT BIOGRAPHY, Who's News and Why, 1942
Editor Maxine Block.
Published by: H.W. Wilson Company,
New York, N.Y. 1942 QUOTE: Pages 651, 652 and 653.
PAVELIC ANTE (pa've-lich an'te)
May 19, 1869
Leader of the Croat state
Address: Zagreb, Croatia

The Serbian guerrilla organization led by General Draja Mikhailovitch at one time issued a list of people destined for death by assassination. First on their list was Dr. Ante Pavelic. Pavelic's name also heads two other lists: that of Hitler's foreign friends and that of outstanding traitors of their countries, the so-called Quislings.


Born in Gospic (in what today is Yugoslavia) on May 19, 1869, the son of Lovro Pavelic, a merchant, Ante studied medicine and received his M. D...

...In 1906 he served in the population department of Sabor and at the same time started his political career as president of the Croatian Conservative Party. After Yugoslavia was united he became vice-president of the Narodno Vijece (people's council) and then president of the Democratic Party in Zagreb.

In January 1932 Pavelic was elected president of the Senate of the Yugoslavian kingdom and of the Yugoslavian-Czechoslovakian League. It has never been determined what part he played in the assassination of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and French Foreign Minister Louis Batthou in March 1934 at Marseilles, but it is certain that he had a hand in it and it is generally assumed that he acted in the interests of Mussolini. Evading justice, Ante Favelic fled to Italy, which sheltered him for seven years and refused to expel him for a French trial. In absentia, though, he was sentenced to death.

During the next few years Dr. Pavelic vanished from the news only to reappear the more conspicuously as the "dark treacherous terrorist" who helped invading Nazis in 1941 to carve up Yugoslavia. It was he who, in April that same year, directed the Croat evolution of the Ustashe (rebels), "a band of rapacious Croatian schemers who hated Serbs, Jews, and Croatia's own peasants for years and platted with Italian, Hungarian, and German money to split Yugoslavia and bring the Ustashe to power." And it was this revolution that exposed the Yugoslavian Army's flank and rear and led to Yugoslavia's defeat.

With the help of his friend, General Sladko Kvaternik, Pavelic proclaimed Croatia an independent state on April 15, 1941. Dispatches from Nazi-controlled Hungary described him as President and Kvaternik as his Premier. The new state was composed of Bosnia, Herzegovina and Dalmatia as well as the old Croat province. In a note to Mussolini and Hitler, Pavelic asked for recognition of "the independent state of Croatia." Both dictators informed the Croat leader that in the name of the Axis powers the recognition sought not only was cheerfully granted but that both powers received "with joy and satisfaction" the news that the Croat people had won their struggle for independence in an hour when the Axis powers had demolished the artificial creation which once was Yugoslavia.

One of Dr. Pavelic's first acts was the baning of all political parties and the prohibition of all public meetings. To pay his debt of gratitude to Italy, the self-styled chief of the Croat national government convinced his followers that a king of Croatia, preferably an Italian prince, would lead the little state to new heights. The last monarch to wear the crown -- golden clover leaves surmounted by a cross and an apple -- had been Croatia's King Petrus, who died in battle in 1097. Since then the state had always been under foreign domination, most of the time Hungarian. On May 17 Pavelic went to Rome to formalize the offer of the throne.

The kingdom was offered to Aimone, Duke of Spoleto, married to Irene, Princess of Greece, and cousin of King Victor Emmanuel of Italy. In a ten-minute ceremony, blessed by Victor Emmanuel and Benito Mussolini, Duke Aimone was presented with the Zvonimir crown. (The crown was named for Demetrius Zvonimir, crowned by a papal legate in Split in 1076. Thirteen years later the Croats killed him because they thought he had sold out to Rome.)

In order that the new king might not feel deprived of an official ceremony, Dr. Pavelic ordered the building of a new cathedral in Banjaluka. Zagreb, the old capital, had been abandoned in favor of Banjaluka because of the latter's more central location in the newly created state. Mussolini was pleased by all this, and, believing that the new kingdom would be an Italian puppet, agreed to the inclusion of Dalmatia in Croatia. He was unaware that four days before Pavelic's offer to the King he had concluded an agreement with the Nazis. The Italian press was full of articles about the forthcoming coronation in southern Bosnia, full of Italy's great political triumph. But when Italian commercial delegates arrived in Zagreb early in June they found there were no Croatian exports to negotiate about -- on May 30 a commercial agreement between Germany and Croatia had been signed. Finally Count Ciano received a note from the German envoy in Zagreb suggesting he coronation be postponed until after the War. In a rage, Mussolini threatened to occupy Dalmatia by force.

On June 6, 1941 Pavelic was received by Hitler in Berchtesgaden for a two-hour conference. Witnesses at the meeting were Marshal Hermann Goring and Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. The talk was one of a series of several carefully guarded diplomatic negotiations between Axis and Balkan leaders. The topic of the conversation was never disclosed, but it was believed that Pavelic asked for a guarantee of independence and was promised that Italy would do nothing drastic. Afterward Pavelic presented the Fuhrer with a flag from the Seven Years' War and a chess set, both formerly belonging to King Frederic the Great.

Barely returned from Germany, Dr. Pavelic, went to Venice for the induction of Croatia into the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo military alliance. On June 15 he put his signature to a protocol giving his country the right to be represented at any tripartite discussion which might affect Croatia. Replying to Count Ciano's address of welcome, Pavelic was quoted as saying: "Croatia gives its full adherence to the principles and reasons which inspire a united front for creation of a new order in the European and Asiatic World. Croatia's induction into the military alliance of the Axis powers had immediate effect on its Jewish problem." Dr. Ante Pavelic announced that it would be solved "in a radical way un der the German order." Also ordered by Hitler to put a "river of blood" between the Serbian and Croatian nations, Pavelic did so by carrying out the slaughter of some 300,000 Serbs living in Croatia and the destruction of scores of their communities.

In August 1941, when the Nazi armies were fully engaged in Russia, Mussolini shipped two divisions to Dalmatia and occupied it, saying that he had to protect the shores of Italy's domestic sea from guerrillas. He then bombarded Hitler with notes demanding the partition of Croatia...

...Ante Pavelic, "a movie producer's dream of a Balkan terrorist, is a short, blocky, grim,unsmiling man, with a knobby face and insulting eye." He has three children who live with their mother and who have spent most of their lives in secret hiding places, while their father was "out hunting kings or conspiring in cellars or dodging gendarmes.".

Lit Digest 120:12 N 30 `35 por
N Y Times p6 My 14 `41
Newsweek 17:25 My 26 `41; 19:41 My 4 '42 por
Who's Who in Central - and East-Europe 1937.


Pavelic papers!
The web site devoted to study of Ustashas and their leader Dr. Ante Pavelic

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