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"Croatian" Serbs (Krajina Serbs)

One third of Communist Designed Croatia - is Serbian land

Reading Western press one gets impression that the Serbs settled in Krajina recently. The media keeps calling these Serbs "Croatian Serbs" and says that the Serbs "occupied", "grabbed", "conquered", etc. this land. As evident from any major reference book the Serbs were invited to settle in Krajina in 1578. Ever since Krajina was independent and separate entity from Croatia. Only since 1941 (during Croat Nazi occupation) and after 1945 (during Croat Communist Tito's rule) was Krajina assigned to be part of Croatia.

Having in mind that the first Pilgrims set sail (from Southamton) for America (in the ship named Mayflower) almost half a century later - in 1620 - one can conclude that the Krajina Serbs have more right to the land they were expelled from (after NATO supported Croat attack) then the white Americans have on the land they reside on.

Where is Krajina:

The following map of Krajina appears in the book "Yugoslavia - A Country Study" issued by U.S. Government Printing Office, Headquarters - Department of the Army, Edition 1992, page 14.

krajina-map.jpg (69399 bytes)

In case you can not read the text associated with the above map here it is:

SOURCE: Based on information from United Kingdom, Admiralty, Naval Intelligence Division, Yugoslavia, 2: History, Peoples, and Administration, London, 1944, 20.

Figure 2. Military Frontier Province Between the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires, ca. 1600-1800.

End quote.

Notice the size of "Croatia" vs. "Military Frontier Province" (i.e. Krajina). Also notice that "Slavonia" and "Dalmatia" are different entities then Croatia. Croatian Communist Tito renamed all those areas into - Croatia.

For more on the above U.S. Government book follow this link.


Short excerpts from (different) encyclopediae:


Encyclopedia Britannica, Edition 1946,...,1952
Reference: EB, Edition 1946, (through 1952), Volume 6, page 730 and 731:
Entry: entry "Croatia-Slavonia"
(Note that even in the title: Croatia and Slavonia are two different entities...)

Necessity dictated in 1578 the formation of special provinces known as the "military frontiers" (q.v.) (Vojna Krajina) - the Slavonian between Drave and Kulpa with Varazdin as its centre, the Croatian between Kulpa and sea, with Karlovac (Karlstadt), so named after Archduke Charles of Styria, who held the supreme command. Their reincorporation was repeatedly demanded by the Croatian estates but without effect, and they RETAINED THEIR IDENTITY TILL LONG AFTER THE EXPULSION OF TURKS...


...in 1699... Karlovci was to be centre of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the patriarch of Pec', with thousands of Serbian refugees from Turkey, having settled in Slavonia and south Hungary under a special charter from Leopold I in 1690... ...In 1769, 1774 and 1776 Serbian national congress were allowed to meet in Karlovci, and again in 1790 at Temesvar, when Serb privileges were confirmed by Leopold II...

..in 1699... Karlovci was to be centre of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the patriarch of Pec', with thousands of Serbian refugees from Turkey, having settled in Slavonia and south Hungary under a special charter from Leopold I in 1690... ...In 1769, 1774 and 1776 Serbian national congress were allowed to meet in Karlovci, and again in 1790 at Temesvar, when Serb privileges were confirmed by Leopold II...
(End quote)

The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Edition 1986
Reference: EB, Edition 1986, Macropedia, Vol 29, page 1061
Entry: Yugoslavia, Croatia, History

The Vojna Krajina (Militargrenze), a military frontier zone on Croatian territory, was formed in 1578. As THIS ZONE WAS SUBJECT DIRECTLY TO THE EMPEROR IN VIENNA, it meant further loss for the Croats.

Turkish invasion instigated a partial change in the ethnic aspect of Croatian lands. Large numbers of Croats abandoned their homes and moved northward seeking safety, some even going out of Croatia altogether into Austria. In partly depopulated areas the rulers settled... ...or granted certain privileges to the Serbs who escaped from the Balkans and took refuge in the Vojna Krajina to became defenders of the Habsburg Empire.

(End quote)

The Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition, year 1993
Reference: EA, Edition 1993, Volume 8, page 227
Entry: Croatia, history, page 227

In 1578 the Habsburgs created the so-called Military Frontier, where peasants were granted land in return for military service. THE AREA WAS ADMINISTERED *DIRECTLY* FROM VIENNA, *NOT* FROM CROATIA,... (!!!)
(End quote)

Encyclopedia Britannica, Edition 1952
Reference: EB, Edition 1952, Vol 15, pages 480 and 481
Entry: MILITARY FRONTIER (German: Militargrenze)
Quote: ...in 1527, after the defeat of Hungary by the Turks at Mohacs, southern Croatia was left deserted, its inhabitants having fled north before the Turks. The Austrian government built a series of forts in this zone, and organized the remaining population, with immigrant Serbs and Vlachs, into a defense force under military supervision... This organization was gradually extended, and in 1630 received a formal statute.

By the end of the 17th century, there were three "Generalates," in Karlstadt (Karlovats), Warasdin and Petrinja respectively. The Hungarian and Croat Estates deeply resented the existence of this EXCEPTION FROM THEIR AUTHORITY, and constantly demanded its abolition, especially after Prince Eugene's victories had practically ended the Turkish peril, but the "Granzer" themselves RESISTED ANY CHANGE, and Habsburgs had also now become alive to its usefulness as a weapon against the unruly nobles. Instead of abolishing, they extended it: a new Slavonian district was established in 1702, a Szekler, in East Transylvania, in 1764, and Wallach in 1766. THE FRONTIER NOW RAN FROM THE ADRIATIC TO THE CONFINES OF MOLDAVIA.

The "Grenzer" gradually became the backbone of the Austrian army. As its bravest, most loyal and best disciplined troops...

In 1849 the Frontier was formed into a separate province, with an area of 15,182 sq.m., and a population of 1,220,503, MOSTLY SERB or Croat, with some Vlach or Rumanian... (End quote)

Encyclopedia Britannica, Edition 1990
Reference: EB, Edition 1990, Vol 29, page 1103
Entry: Yugoslavia, The Habsburg lands, Migrations

A prominent feature of Austrian and Hungarian lands was the "Military Frontier" (Militargrenze), which dated from the first attempts to reclaim Croatia and Slavonia from the Turkish rule. In 1578 the Austrians began to organize frontier marchlands against the Turks with a system of forts, watchtowers, and warning beacons staffed by a force of granicari (frontiersmen). the granicari were granted land in frontier regions in return for military service. The system was reorganized and consolidated through the next two centuries, ... At its height it extended in a belt of varying widths across the entire northern border of the Ottoman Empire from the Adriatic coast to Walacia...

Having been badly depopulated by Turkish raids, the Military Frontier was resettled largely by refugees of a variety of ethnic origins, but Serbs and Bosnians (*) contributed a large portion. Particularly important was the great migration in 1691, as a consequence of which the region came to contain some of the major centres of Serbian culture... The ethnic map of Yugoslavia today [1990] bears the marks of these migrations.

(End quote)

* - Note that the author could not think of "Bosnians" as Muslims as interpreted only two years later by the Western media. No-one would invite Muslims to fight against Muslim Turkish invaders. Obviously by "Bosnians" the author was referring to Bosnian Christians (i.e. Serbs and some Croats).

Other literature:

Krajina Serbs: Defenders of the Christian Europe
In his book: "Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945" Dr. Edmond Paris explains how Serbs came to Krajina...

More to come...

Short recapitulation:

In order to defend their civilization, Chinese built the wall. In order to stop Islamic invasion of Europe, Habsburgs built a Military Frontier (Militargrenze in German, Vojna Krajina or simply KRAJINA in Serbo-Croatian).

Serbs were the brave border guards of Christianity, for many centuries.

Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia and Krajina were always separate, political and geographical entities.

It was only in Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia (1941 - 1945) and in Communist Yugoslavia (led by absolute authority of Croatian Communist Tito) that all these different entities were simply labeled - Croatia.

Krajina, which for last four centuries was populated with majority Serbian population was never (with exception of the above mentioned periods) - ruled by Croatia.

It is a prime sarcasm to call these Serbs - "Croatian" Serbs, as if they were, somehow, a property of Croatia.

During the first (Nazi) period Serbs were slaughtered, en masse, by Croatian fascists ( Ustashe ). During Croatian Communist Tito's rule, Krajina was purposely left undeveloped.

Despite the genocide, despite the hardships, the Serbs endured and were, still, majority population of Krajina. TILL AUGUST 1, 1995 - when with help of American equipent, training and aviation close support - AFTER FOUR CENTURIES THE SERBS WERE CLEANSED FROM THEIR LAND.


Croatia, with conquered Serbian lands of Krajina, is *THE MOST ETHNICALLY PURE* COUNTRY of Europe!


Exodus of Krajina Serbs
August 1995, Western powers help Croat Nazis cleanse Krajina Serbs

Serbian lands
The early Serbian settlements in the Balkans.

Serbian myths
Kosovo battle and Turkish occupation of the Serbian lands. Serbian tireless fight for freedom.

Serbs of Bosnia
Centuries of suffering of Christian Serbs at hand of Turkish Moslems.

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Last revised: October 10, 1999